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Friday, January 3, 2014

摩托車博物館 - Barber Motorsports Park - Birmingham, AL - 2013.12.26

這個號稱是全世界最大的摩托車博物館, 收集從1902年到現在的各式摩托車, 總共超過1200台, 從20多國,200多家製造廠...

The collection now has over 1200 vintage and modern motorcycles and as well as a substantial collection of Lotus and other racecars. It is considered the largest collection of its type in North American and possibly the world. There are approximately 600 of the collection’s 1200 motorcycles on display at any given time. These bikes range from 1902 to current-year production. Bikes from 20 countries represent 200 different manufacturers. The common street bike is represented, as well as rare, one-off Gran Prix race machinery. Bikes have been purchased from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden, but also as close as down the street...